Further Education
We work closely with sector colleagues and sector bodies to ensure these resources are tailored and differentiated to meet your college’s needs.
The Careers & Enterprise Company partnered with CooperGibson Research to carry out this research into careers leadership in colleges. Read the report here.

Careers Impact internal leadership review
The Careers Impact internal leadership review supports a quality assured, sustainable and strategic approach to careers leadership.
The review forms part of the Careers Impact System, which is a process that drives continuous improvement in careers education. It sets clearly defined standards as to what good looks like in careers leadership and is directly linked to wider school and college improvement.
Careerscope - Hospitality Industry Hub
CareerScope is your one-stop-shop for all things careers in the Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism Industry.
Our mission is to support people from all backgrounds and ages, attract talent towards the industry, and ultimately, promote hospitality as a great place to work.
Whether you’re a teacher or careers advisor, a student, or a job seeker, we have resources, programmes and support available to help you reach your full potential.
Making encounters meaningful: support for providers
This resource is for providers who deliver encounters in schools, special schools and colleges to support students with learning about all pathways.
In the context of the provider access legislation, a provider is an organisation that offers approved technical education qualifications or their representative, for example an FE college or training provider. The purpose of the resource is to enable providers to effectively engage with schools, special schools and colleges to deliver encounters that have an impact on students and are aligned with the institution’s wider careers education programme.
School roadmap/college roadmap
Understand the role of Careers Leader, and the support offered through our Enterprise Adviser Network, by following our roadmaps for success.
Careers Provision in Colleges: What Works? (2018)
This paper provides evidence for effective career guidance within the Further Education (FE) sector. The evidence can be used by colleges of all types and providers of career and enterprise programmes when considering supporting young people with careers activities.
Understanding the role of the Careers Leader: A guide for colleges
The government's Careers Strategy means that all schools and colleges should have a named Careers Leader in place by September 2018. This guide for colleges explains what careers leadership in colleges looks like and how it could be led and managed within your college.
Careers Leader training
Transform your careers programme and develop your skills as a Careers Leader to strategically embed careers in the curriculum.
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FES Connect Activity
‘FES Connect’ is a national community for Post 16 careers leaders and practitioners, supporting development and sharing of best practice to ensure every learner is supported to find their next best step.
An opportunity to share examples of what's working well across the country in careers education via online seminars, newsletters showcasing best practice and an FES Connect chat board.
Click here to register.
Generation Logistics Education Hub
A dedicated, downloadable, resource library of KS3 to KS5 curriculum-relevant material for teachers and career advisors to explore the fast-paced, well-paid world of logistics.
Amazing Apprenticeships Resources
Amazing Apprenticeships is a leading organisation in the education sector, working with schools, colleges and employers, tackling misconceptions and promoting the benefits of apprenticeships and technical education.
They work closely with the Department for Education and a wide range of other partners and stakeholder organisations in England and internationally, to ensure that more individuals and businesses can access the benefits of apprenticeships.
Animated film explaining what apprenticeships are and their benefits, watch here!
Parental Engagement: Action research project report and toolkit
Engaging parents and carers of college students, or those working with a training provider, has an extra layer of complexity. This report explores the approaches taken by 3 different settings, providing resources and inspiration.
The SEND in Mainstream Toolkit
A toolkit for careers leaders, teachers and inclusion leaders to support students with SEND in mainstream settings.
Student Finance
A series of resources developed by the Student Loans Company (SLC) to help young people understand their financial options.
HSBC Resources
HSBC have a number of resources available to support young people when thinking about their career pathways from work experience opportunities to activities to support them in thinking about the different pathways into a career at HSBC.
PMLD World of Work Lesson Ideas
Developed by Black Country Careers Hub.
A sensory pack of career lesson ideas for PMLD Learners for them to explore the world of work.
Next Steps in London: PAL
Resources to assist schools and colleges in supporting PAL activities include lesson plans and student workbooks. These materials are designed for use during activities with employers, providers, and ITPs.
Careerpilot Parent Zone
Information to help parents and carers support young people in making the right decision about study and work.
Inspiring Tomorrow's Engineers
Our ambition is to inform and inspire young people and grow the number and diversity of tomorrow’s engineers. We support employers and the wider engineering community to achieve this collective aim and engage directly with schools via our outreach programmes.
Check out some of our resources here!
Next Steps in London Magazine
The London Careers Hubs are thrilled to announce the launch of the latest edition of Next Steps in London! This comprehensive guide, brought to you by the four London Careers Hubs, is designed to help young people and parents navigate future career pathways.

Careers Guidance
Resources for College Careers Leaders - AoC
The Careers & Enterprise Company are working with the Association of Colleges to provide resources, webinars and information for the leaders, governors and careers guidance professionals in the FE sector to help support colleges with their careers guidance offer.